Here is a new update from Judy Shee about “Help fund Janelle’s VAD and heart transplant”:
Janelle has had a pump change 3 days ago. After the medical staff noted a dark shadow with every pulse, they proceeded to arrange a change of her pump (“Polly” as Janelle calls it). Although the procedure is external on the machine, it means cutting off her heart support for a few minutes and therefore she has to undergo General Anaesthesia.
We sent out prayer request for God to uphold the procedure smoothly and thank God everything went well.
Janelle now has a brand new pump and the manufacturer is evaluating whether this is covered under warranty terms. (hopefully – otherwise the cost is pretty exorbitant).
We thank the friends for keeping Janelle in your constant prayers. WE pray for God to provide His healing as soon as possible. God bless all.
Pic: Old Pump / Janelle after procedure / Janelle getting her hair washed 1 day after procedure (she vomitted as side effects of GA and it got into her hair)